11 June, 2015 | Customized Uniforms
An Image that Earns Respect
Here’s a fact, not everyone can wear the American flag on their uniform. Just like the military uniform itself, the American flag is a symbol of respect. According to the United States American Flag Code, the flag patch is for military personnel, firemen...
09 June, 2015 | Customized Uniforms
Wicking Fabric for the Summer Heat
The rainy spring season has finally ended and summer is here! Although we’re all excited for lazy sunny days and outdoor activities, we know a few of our customers aren’t a fan of the Colorado heat, especially those who work outdoors. While it woul...
18 May, 2015 | Service Area in CO
Remember the Importance of Memorial Day
Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a holiday of remembering the men and women who have died while serving our country. This holiday can be powerful for many, while others see the weekend as the kick-off to summer. Although we’re also excited f...
13 May, 2015 | Service Area in CO
Save the Date: Chip is Turning 10!
Chip is turning ten years old this year and we’re going to have a big party! Save the Date – August 14, 2015 You may have seen him out in our community, or from pictures on our Facebook page. Chip is our energetic mascot who loves to tell everyone abou...
07 May, 2015 | Customized Uniforms
We Recognize Armed Forces Day
Armed Forces Day was created to establish a holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country. In the United States, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in May, which mea...
13 April, 2015 | Floor Mats
April Showers Bring… Mud
Did you know that .25 pounds of dirt and debris per 1,000 people PER DAY are tracked into commercial buildings during dry weather conditions? Imagine what wet weather conditions bring in through the front door. Floor mats are a great way to catch all that dir...