18 July, 2016 | Just for Fun
America in 1969: Our Birth Year
In 1969, brothers Barry and David Putegnat founded Service Uniform. The third generation to follow in the footsteps of the family laundry business started in 1906 by their grandfather, the Putegnat brothers carried the passion for service to their new uniform ...
11 July, 2016 | Uniform Rental
Why Accuracy is Important to Our Customers
Accuracy and reliability: two of our foundational values here at Service Uniform. Accuracy is important to us not only from a business standpoint, but it is important to you, our customers. Here is how our process and our standards affect and improve your busi...
04 July, 2016 | Service Area in CO
Our Top 5 Family Fun Activities in Denver
Summer is here! The kids are out of school and it’s time to take advantage of the sunshine and blue skies. Our beautiful home here in Denver gives us access to so much family fun during the season. We’ll see you out at some of these great festivals...
20 June, 2016 | Uniforms
The Look of Summer Uniforms
If you’re under the age of 10, you can hear his jingle from a mile away. No, we’re not talking about Santa, were talking about the ice cream man! With the summer heat in full swing, who isn’t craving a sweet, cold treat? As an adult his jingle may not be...
23 May, 2016 | Just for Fun
Memorial Day: Remembering Why We Celebrate
Happy Memorial Day! It’s that time of year, when business put on massive sales, parades are thrown, and speeches are made in honor of all the brave men and women who fought and died to defend our wonderful country in wars past. While Memorial Day carries a g...
16 May, 2016 | Uniform Rental
7 Ways Your Uniform Puts in Overtime
Your uniform works just like you, the same hours, same jobs, same situations…right? We’d like to argue that your uniform puts in overtime daily for your business. Uniforms are seen by everyone you encounter on your commute, lunch break and business...