09 January, 2015 | Uniform Rental

It’s Fun to Dress Up

Service UniformEveryone with a family pet knows that these furry creatures usually develop a personality of their own. Some big dogs look tough on the outside but are really sweet cuddlebugs that just want to be in your lap. Maybe it’s because of this connection we have with our animals that we feel the need to dress them up. Dog sweaters and bandanas, cat jumpsuits and hoodies; all of these pieces of clothing fly off the shelves at local animal shops. And we get it, they’re so cute! Dressing up pets is so popular that January 14 is unofficially “Dress Up Your Pet Day.” Seriously!

As uniform people, we know that it’s fun to “dress up.” Wouldn’t it be awesome to dress up every day? Unfortunately company dress codes are in place for a reason, but with company uniforms you can feel the excitement of getting dressed up every day. Putting on a uniform in the morning is like transforming into a different person. Uniforms showcase your employees’ pride, professionalism, identity, and can leave a positive impression.

Every single human being on the planet has a personality the runs deeper than a pet dog’s personality. And when you put those people together in a work environment, the business starts to develop a company personality of its own. It’s with this in mind that we’ve created uniform rental programs for our customers that provide flexibility and customization for each company and their employees. Contact Service Uniform today for an evaluation.

MAKE THE SWITCH! We are the family business you can trust.